Ng Yak Whee

早餐 1987年 布面油画 110cm x 80cm

Breakfast, 1987, Oil on Canvas, 110cm x 80cm

Ng Yak Whee 黄意会

Ng Yak Whee

Born in Singapore
Residing in Singapore

B.Sc (Hons), Nanyang University

Ng Yak Whee: Masterfully Weaving Poetic Dreamscapes in Colour and Abstraction

Early Years and Artistic Calling

Born in Singapore and holding an honours bachelor’s degree in biology from Nanyang University, Singapore (1979), Ng Yak Whee had a lifelong passion for creativity. After completing his academic journey, he heeded his inner calling and embarked on a career as a professional artist.

Artistic Style and Mediums

Ng Yak Whee’s artistic style is notably influenced by the Russian-French artist Marc Chagall, offering a departure from traditional art movements like Impressionism, Cubism, and Abstract Expressionism. He demonstrates versatility across various mediums, including oil, acrylic, ink painting, Cartogravures, and photography. His artwork breaks away from conventional single-perspective depictions, embracing multiple viewpoints within a single image. This approach yields dream-like imagery imbued with his distinctive style and a keen sense of colour. Ng creates without preliminary drafts, a process akin to what art critic Umberto Eco describes as “L’oeuvre Ouverte” or open work, characterised by informality and the incorporation of disorder, chance, and indeterminacy. This dynamic tension between control and chance is evident in the shapes and subjects of Ng’s paintings, which often undergo disruption and transformation through the interplay of colour and visual elements. The open-ended nature of his work allows him to infuse his own subjective experiences while triggering associations and memories in viewers.

Freedom and Fluidity in Art

Freedom holds a central place in Ng Yak Whee’s artistic expression. His works defy fixed themes and symbols, seamlessly blending figuration and abstraction. Whether depicting the real or the imagined, Ng’s art transcends tangible expressions, communicating on a level beyond objects and images, inviting viewers to explore their own realms of imagination. His poetic language emerges through the interplay of colour and abstraction, woven together with masterful brushstrokes and schemas. Each of his paintings resembles a poem, embracing ever-evolving forms and meanings, exuding a soft, dreamlike beauty.

Life as a Dream and Artistic Commitment

Ng’s journey in life, much like his art, carries the essence of a dream. Following his university education, he fearlessly pursued his dreams, dedicating over four decades to freely expressing his inner world through painting. Despite the swift passage of time, he remained true to his heart’s desires, avoiding the allure of trends or indulgence. Instead, he steadfastly pursued his unique artistic language with unwavering commitment, sincerity, and persistence amid the intricate and tumultuous landscape of contemporary art.

Colours of Spring

Oil on canvas
80cm x 70cm

春色 2021年 亚麻布油画 80cm x 70cm


Mixed media oil on canvas
130cm x 100cm

命运,2006年,混合材料画布,130cm x 100cm

Dancing in the Moonlight

Oil on canvas
120cm x 150cm

在月光下跳舞 2020 布面油画 120cm x 150cm

Solo Exhibitions


13th Solo Exhibition《绘境》, Taichung city seaport art Center


Bosom Friends SanMao and I, Singapore


12th Solo Exhibition SanMao and I – Those Days, Shenzhen

Chingay Bicentennial 270m Painting, Singapore

11th Solo Photography Exhibition Transform, Singapore


10th Solo Exhibition Timeless, Singapore


Group Exhibitions


DREAMS AWAIT, Prestige Art Gallery, Singapore


Sculpting Landscape & Painting Emotion by Lee Kwang Wo and Ng Yak Whee, CHINI Gallery, Taipei

Sculpting Landscape & Painting Emotion by Lee Kwang Wo and Ng Yak Whee, Muddart, Tainan


Six Talents Group Show, Singapore


Oneness Three-Man Show, Taiwan


Enraptured Three-Person Exhibition, Singapore
